Top Tips to prepare your vaccine fridge for flu season

Top Tips to prepare your vaccine fridge for flu season

 1. Check the Fridge Condition: Inspect for wear and tear, and ensure the fridge is clean inside and out.

2. Verify Temperature Accuracy: Calibrate thermometers and use backups to ensure accurate readings.

3. Optimise Storage Organisation: Arrange shelves for the expected inventory and label clearly by type and expiration date.

4. Monitor Temperature Regularly: Set up temperature logs and install alarms for deviations.

5. Plan for Emergencies: Have a backup power supply and develop a response plan for temperature excursions.

6. Staff Training: Train your team on proper handling, storage protocols, and emergency procedures.

7. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine checks and annual services/ calibrations, document everything, and stay updated with the latest guidelines from health authorities.


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